Course Catalogue
In the framework of courses that can be funded under KA1 Erasmus Plus mobility, we propose the following 5 day courses. Join us at beautiful Antibes, French Riviera, or take the course on-line.
These trainings were created to satisfy the actual needs of the youth and adults to be able to performed better in their professional and personal lifes.

Coaching Techniques
This structured course aims to improve participant‘s practical skills based on coaching theory techniques and styles. Highly efficient teams are a prerequisite for success in the company. Research shows that team performance depends on collaboration, adaptability, responsibility and trust. Thanks to various coaching techniques the team can develop together, discover common values, goals and ways of working, understand the needs of the company and identify with new ways to contribute to their personal success and the success of the company for which they work.
Talent Management
This structured course aims to improve participant ‘s ability identifying talent and possible talent gaps, vacant positions, sourcing for and onboarding the suitable candidates, growing them within the system and developing needed skills. The definition brings to light the overarching nature of talent management – how it fills all aspects concerning the human resources at work while ensuring that the organization attains its objectives.

Leadership Academy
This structured course helps you to understand, recognize and support the real leadership qualities in yourself and others. You will be to build and maintain high quality relationships to achieve professional and personal goals. You will learn how to receive and deliver feedback assertively, but with empathy and also how to effectively lead, manage and resolve situations involving conflicts. Moreover, you will deepen your personal leadership style with the requirements of the organization without compromising your believes and values and be able to create opportunities for personal reflection in everyday situations and crisis management.
Project Management
This structured course aims to improve participants’ practical skills in the design, management and funding of European projects from shaping the idea, to identify the right European programme, to design a good project to get the get the funds. The general aim of this course is to improve the quality and the accessibility of European projects in order to foster European integration and excellence in education by empowering and training teachers, education staff and those interested in developing European learning projects to successfully access and manage European funds.

Entrepreneurship Skills
This structured course aims to improve participant ‘s entrepreneurial skills, which can encompass a broad range of various skill sets like technical skills, leadership and business management skills and creative thinking. Entrepreneurial skills can be applied to many different job roles and industries. Entrepreneurial skills can encompass a large range of both soft and hard skills. Because of the many business roles entrepreneurs may take on, they may also develop a variety of different skill sets to accommodate the growth of their businesses and brands.
Literacies Development
This structured course aims to improve participant ‘s overall literacy skills with focus on financial literacy, digital literacy, fake news / hoaxes awareness, critical thinking and ecological literacy. We believe that these skills are necessary for every person to develop in today’s century.

Trainings will take place from 9.00am till 4.00pm and will be supported by additional cultural activities of the Côte d’Azur.
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